
Sunday, 6 November 2011

Sunday Night Poker

Bankroll: $9.61
FPPs: 1923

As the November 9 were kicking off their final table in Vegas (first prize: $8,711,956) I was scratching about on the 2c/4c tables and various free-roll tourneys. Getting depressed about the humiliatingly small stakes I'm playing for is one of the key dangers I face. It's odd: on the one hand you mustn't care about the money - ie, you mustn't play scared or else the rest of the table will just run over you. But on the other hand, you have to treat your chips with respect. If you start thinking "it's only four cents, I might as well call" you'll be broke in no time. It's a tightrope you've got to walk. Time to quote legendary poker champion T.S. Eliot:
Teach us to care and not to care
Teach us to sit still
Anyway, progress has been decent. Tonight I discovered the joys of Poker Stars' Sunday Night $2,000 free-roll. It costs 50 FPPs to enter, but the top 20% get paid and it's not a turbo (15 mins per level instead of 5) so you get a bit of time to make a few plays. A lot of the other competitors didn't seem to appreciate that, however: they were knocking themselves out at a hell of a click. I guess they were trying to build up a big enough stack for a shot at the final table. That's a standard strategy, of course, but it's also high-variance. I'm working on a very tight budget here and so, for me, it's all about getting paid. And I'm happy to report that on this occasion sneaking my way into the money was relatively easy. Another $1.80 in the bank.

With a bit of luck I'll be able to hit $10 and move up to the 5c/10c game some time tomorrow or Tuesday. Hope I don't get a nosebleed.

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